Sample online induction registration

Please complete the below registration form before starting the induction.

Note: you will not receive any spam after the induction is completed, we require the below details to demonstrate the induction functionality & to follow up on your enquiry.

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I consent to the terms of use/privacy policy & having My Site induction store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.
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Try our sample induction today, it will take less than 7 minutes & gives you an idea of what my site induction can offer.

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Set your company standards from the beginning, & make sure your inductees understand all the information that is presented.

"I was hesitant on moving inductions online due to the IT skills gap in our industry, but my site induction made the process simple & seamless. If someone can use Facebook then mysiteinduction will be a breeze"
Emily Watson
H&S manager
"We recently used my site induction for our inductions during a plant shutdown. It was so successful that we decided to join the annual package as this now frees our operative time to focus on running that plant & contractors arrive ready for work"
James Oliver
Engineering manager
Our inductions used to be on laminated sheets of paper that we expected contractors to read & sign. My site induction has been a game changer for us as our impressive inductions sets the standards from the beginning & helps maintain our H&S standards.
Robert Dunn
Operations manager
"Mornings on construction sites are very busy & contractors very rarely attend the inductions on time! My site induction has been a great time saver with contractors now arriving on site and starting work straight away"
John kray
Project manager
0 hrs+
time saved per week
0 hrs+
time saved per year
0 £/year
managers cost per year